The wearied giant slayer.
I want to tell you all my story. Of being a weary tiresome hero on an epic quest.
I've not yet finished, I've not yet won, but I'm trying my best I declare it by my actions I attest
I have come so far and fought so hard I have seen and done so much
That I no longer believe in certain things like my old concept of injustice or luck
You see I now see life is a test a quest, a challenge and that means you will find tribulations ever near
There's no legitimate reason to think the last time you wept was your last shed tear last doubt or fear
Pain misunderstanding and suffering are human companions ever here that is my understanding
Like your shadow they pursue you echoing the light within you one is dependent on the other
The leaf does not move without the breeze writing requires a blank sheet for the forms to cover
Just as crystal clear skies can suddenly be filled and disrupted by storm clouds and thunder and lightning
Just as suddenly they can be superceded by crystal clear calmness the heat removed by beautiful stillness and cool soulful calm that is lightening
The same as up there in the heavens with the shifting and changing, as here down on earth for us all
I have been on a long journey heading for freedom
I don't quest for heaven or treasure I already know I exist in a miraculous Kingdom
To even exist and draw breathe against all odds
Is better for me than any treasures of the God's
On this quest of mine I need to defeat the giants
I am the small one trying to defeat that which has left my people and lands sore
I've been studying and learnt many things about giants. We all know that they are big and oftentimes quite scary.
That they eat people up and spit out their bones, they get angry they break things and drive people from their homes
Yet us humans and giants we go way back they live in many of our words, part of our human history
Where people have gone wrong is to see giants as creature's in and of themselves this is a fatal mistake
We are the creators of giants they are real and made up of our own emotional landscape make no mistake
It is failing to acknowledge this, that is the way they get to be so big and scary and become impossible to really escape
So to defeat a giant is no easy task if you slay one it returns as it's part of you
There are two methods for those of us in the know
The best method is to befriend then make peace and reach understanding move around each other learn to co-exist
The second less successful method is to destroy the giant or leave where it lives remove it or you
But in this second way
Your liable to have giant issues in another day
See if giants are made from our minds and emotion
The only way to be rid of it is to be rid of self not a very clever notion
For no matter where you run to or you hide
You will always find yourself and your mind
Even if you reach the most distant parts of the earth and the deepest chasms within the sea land upon the untrod shores of furthest land
At best you will have travelled from the giants feet to its hands
So the journey I now take is much further than the reaches of outer space
I'm heading inwards nowadays to map out inner space
The longest journey as taken by the Sioux
Is to travel within oneself and fond the real you
That is where to find the heroes with all the keys
The weapons to destroy or the items to break the curses enchanted potions or golden bees
The thing that is needed to complete the quest
Is the you trapped inside you. Who could have guessed
The answers not in far away lands
It's always inside our own hands
The shortest distance between two points is always a straight line
So I've begun walking that way on this giant pacifying quest of mine
I'm walking the longest path I could find from my heart up to my mind
Seeking the balm to calm this raging behemoth. Whose been terrorising me and friends of mine
Now I know that I'm just as responsible for this heroes losing his sense of self importance as I get more reasonable with age
Travelling living and learning moving from place to place and page to page
I know now that the monsters I want sought to vanquish
Are but reflections of my own and others anguish
I'm listening closer to my heart beat and my own internal rhythm
Seeking answers from it. My own mantra, song, hymn or psalm to bust this prism and destructive prison
To calm the monsters both around me and within me to soothe them not quell them
Once I've reached calm stopped all this fighting. I will have no more quarrels with them
For when I can hold the calm and stillness I am partly them I just don't wish to manifest them
I know I'll be free from my illness
Escaping Maya siting in genuine realness
No longer shall I feel hunger, anger, hate, defensiveness or lust
I'll have peace and freedom held in trust I will be the hero just
For once I win this battle with my self's darker side
Light will be able to fill the space the dark void within and light can move in and reside
All around me can be restored and illuminated
Once my heart releases it's song and has resonated
For with Love's song
The curse is undone
Storm clouds will no longer blacken the skies
My friends no longer will let out hurt cries
The beasts of malice will be replaced by creatures of light angel faced
Peace will fill me and the world all around shall be blessed
So come here giant shake my hand
Let us stop terrorising the land
Our fighting is killing us
Let's have peace at last our quests will be fulfilled
There is room on earth for both of us.