Sunday, 3 December 2017

Election June 2017.

So you have a choice to make a mark
Make one choice, its only a tiny mark
Thats needed just a little x in a box
You can choose the one who has an allottment or the one that wants to kill fox
The one who seems honest to actually care
Or the one practicing Maggies cold stare.
Just one little x to make a mark and draw a line
Time to reel on the madness, turn back the tide
But maybe your still not convinced you think hes a terroist sympathiser
You dont remember thats she is a padeophile protector
That she couldnt pass a lie detector shes that gang from the wizard of oz
No heart no brains and no courage sell pit magician cheap tricks just tosh
Hunt rhymes with come on join in....
Go on have a guess its a private part
The party of shysters the low tax family noticed your bank accounts thin?
Debts trebled lies they peddled
Austerity and peoples lives riddled
With injusticea, drs diagnosed kids with scurvy
But you still arent sure if that Corbyn is worthy
Of a chance though he has won his seat over and over
Never asked a young child or the elderly to literally or metaphorically bendover
Maybe you think window tax is a progressive policy
Put some more cash on the coffers sit watching tv blind to the misery
Well Ive done my best to illustrate the choice you have
Vote for yet more lies, fat cats and cuts, NHS too big to save
Just sell it to branson
So grandmas held to ransom
Shes got the dementia
So drop the pretence yeah
She wont mark the little box
So she may as well be a fox
Let toffs in red coats have their sport
But on the 8th of june give it a little thought
As we will all feel the echoes of what you do or dont put in that little box
Be we rich man poor man or confused little fox

Image result for corbyn art kenobi


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