Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Loving warfare.

Haunted by a ghost appearing within the woodwork
A once friendly faces peering through the dark
I removed my armour, climbed off my steed and lay down my sword
I saw you wounded attempted to sooth you, heal you and I gave my word
That I'd be true and honest to you, no lies
Yet when you no longer liked my truth you feigned surprise
You took your dagger and went for my open back
Went from lover to savage and repeated attack
That was the best but too, it was the psychological warfare
The attacks on all aspects self and the indifferent stare
For this I was not prepared though I knew all was fair in love and war
I never expected you to try to hurt me so to make me so sore
I knew betrayal even though and the taste of pain

I implored you to stop be my ally or just let me be, Yet you persisted all the same
Then turned reality upside down said I started to attack you and it was all just some game
Truth is I'm sick of games and being played, I realise you had gone subtly insane
You've not had a drink of love for too long
Nor listened to the hearts strong song
You started turning on your friends and revered your enemies
Its the only reason I can see you'd repeatedly attack me
After I had tried and tried to help and heal you still drew in for more
So I'm sorry this time I see your hurt and broken but I won't help anymore
Learn to heal thyself and I shall light you a candle and wish you well
But I'm also burning sage and meditating and shall succumb no more to your spell
You wont pull upon my desire to help you lost my kinship
When you drilled holes in the hull of our shared ship

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